Business Owners, Presidents, Shareholders

Your Critical Business Data is a Primary Target
The reality for small and mid-sized businesses is they are increasingly the primary targets for criminals and hackers looking to gain access to critical assets, customer information, intellectual property, and financial data. This continuous cyber threat has put increased pressure on organizations to take a strategic look at risk associated with their Cyber Security practices, policies, and procedures.

Small business hacker targets
What to do after a business network security breach – 34107351
Stay Ahead of the Curve
My witan Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CRA) is customized to meet your organization’s specific needs, assessing cyber-related risk based on your company’s industry regulations, objectives, and threshold for risk. Our process is designed to help you determine where Cyber Security risks could impact your business’ bottom line and provides you with an independent third-party assessment executed by our team of cyber experts.

Executive leadership needs to approach assessing cyber risk similarly to that of other areas of risk that might impact their overall success. Operational and financial risks have been assessed by organizations for many years, and cybersecurity is another area of risk that must now be fully understood. Turning a blind eye to Cyber Security is simply not an option given today’s Internet-connected landscape.

Advanced Ethical Hacking
By mimicking an actual ‘hacker attack’, my witan Security Team will break into your network and show how an attack would be perpetrated before a malicious attacker can perpetuate the same attack. The goal of an “ethical hacking” security exercise is not to just reveal deficiencies in the performance of your IT team but rather to support your team, and provide a road map for making your networks much more secure, identify the sensitive information that the organization maintains, and improve the best reasonable security measures for that organization.

Much like a CFO who needs a CPA firm to audit their financials, an independent “ethical hacking assessment” can provide valuable insight and guidance on maintaining a better data and network security posture.

Cyber Awareness Training
The goal of Cyber Awareness training is to ensure that employees at all levels are aware of how to identify, control, and mitigate the loss of confidential data in a secure technical environment that meets acceptable security standards. Protecting an organization from cyber threats, such as malicious hackers, requires everyone’s participation. The weakest link in many organizations is an untrained employee who does not understand the value of the information that they control. They are often susceptible to social engineering and other human-based attacks. This course will train you on how to best protect yourself and your organization.

Incident Response to Cyber Incidents or Data Breaches
Cyber incidents can be damaging to an organization, both in the short and long term. Properly responding to an event is critical to ensuring damages are minimized and not allowed to spread, that intrusions are eradicated, threat actors are identified and potentially prosecuted, and that potential negative publicity is controlled as operations quickly return to a normal state.

my main goal is to identify the level of sophistication of the attack and determine, as best as we can, the likelihood that data was targeted or accessed. We typically provide technical consultation relating to a possible data breach due to a Phishing attack, Ransomware attack, Business Email Compromise, and other malicious attacks.

Our Team
Our team brings the right mix of business knowledge and cybersecurity expertise to guide informed cyber-based decisions. As a trusted advisor to organizations of all sizes, Digital4nx helps align security programs with business priorities, regulatory compliance, and risk appetite. Our My Witan CRA provides a detailed roadmap so you can prioritize the steps necessary to mitigate Cyber Security-related risks and allow your business to grow.

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